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RES-Q New Platform Launch

A brand-new, future-ready platform to support your stroke care improvement journey.
Angels team 23 janvier 2024


RES-Q started this year with some exciting news.

The new and improved RES-Q platform has just been launched with 

  • more intuitive data capturing pages, 
  • single sign-on for access to data capturing pages and hospital dashboards and reports,
  • and an improved legal framework, all hosted in a brand-new, future-ready platform.

You can access the new and improved platform at

As this url is different from the old platform, we recommend that you add the new website address to your bookmarks.

Please note that reregistration is required for all existing users of RES-Q, so go to, select hospital or EMS to register on the new platform, and if you have any queries, feel free to reach out to


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