Prix de l’Esprit d’excellence de l’ESO

The winners of the Spirit of Excellence Award 2024 were announced during a live event at ESOC 2024. Scroll down to meet the winners and nominees who were recognized for their commitment to stroke care excellence and for their outstanding contributions to raising the standard of treatment in their hospitals and communities. 

prix de l’Esprit d’excellence


Safouris Apostolos

Dr Safouris is supervising neurologist in the ESO-accredited Stroke Unit of Metropolitan Hospital in Piraeus, Greece, a member of the ESO Stroke Unit Accreditation Committee and an advocate for ESO certification. He is developing, with the University of Ioannina, a mobile app for mapping thrombolysis and thrombectomy centers in Greece. 

Joaquin Garcia

Dr García is chief of nurses in the stroke unit of University Hospital Torrecardenas in Almeria. He has provided leadership in standardising stroke nursing care, pioneered a protocol for treating at CT in his hospital, trained all hospitals in his region in dysphagia screening protocols, and is a vocal advocate for quality monitoring.

Paweł Wrona

Dr Wrona is extremely active in improving stroke care, not only in his own region, Małopolskie, but also elsewhere in Poland. He enthusiastically supports the FAST Heroes campaign, advocates for quality monitoring and RES-Q, and is actively involved in stroke education and generating an interest in stroke among future doctors. 

Yurii Cherednychenko

Dr Cherednychenko is an interventional neuroradiologist at Mechnykov Dnipro Regional Hospital, Ukraine. Thanks to him there are more than 30 specialists working across the country who began their journey under his guidance. He is also an internationally renowned expert in endovascular medicine, and a pioneer in combat trauma and stroke.

SOE Nominations - Lithuanian Neurologists

Assoc. prof. Aleksandras Vilionskis and Profs. Vaidas Matijosaitis, Antanas Vaitkus and Dalius Jatužis play a crucial role in stroke care development in Lithuania, including through education and promoting quality monitoring. They share best practices and promote simulation-based learning among countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Anita Arsovska

Prof. Arsovska is head of the department for emergency neurology at the University Clinic of Neurology and professor at University “Ss Cyril and Methodius” Faculty of Medicine in Skopje. She has been working on implementing the Atroke Action Plan in her country, promoting stroke prevention and raising stroke awareness. 

Dániel Bereczki

Prof. Bereczki, a past president of the Hungarian Stroke Society, is head of the Neurology Clinic in Semmelweis University in Budapest, as well as national RES-Q coordinator. His legacy includes leading the development of a stroke network in central Hungary involving more than 10 stroke centers and the national ambulance services. 

Hrvoje Budincevic

Assist. Prof. Budinčević, a specialist in intensive care and cerebrovascular diseases, is deputy head of neurology and head of the stroke and intensive care unit at Sveti Duh University Hospital in Zagreb. A recognised leader in stroke development, especially in the field of quality monitoring, he shares his expertise throughout the country.

Matteo Rovera

Dr Rovera is an 118 EMS doctor at the Ospedale Maggiore della Carita, in Novara, Italy. In 2022, he was appointed as ASLS instructor, a role he embraced with passion, becoming the coordinator of the first national ASLS team. He has created an online stroke course for volunteers which lead to 1000+ people being trained in only 3 months.

Michal Bar

Prof. Bar is his country’s leading strokologist and a key member of the Cerebrovascular section and the Angels Steering Committee. As a direct result of his work, 33 Czech stroke centers received ESO stroke unit certification in 2022. He has co-created the FAST PLUS scale for predicting LVOs and promoted its nation-wide implementation.

Nicolás Lopez

Dr López’s commitment to improving outcomes for stroke patients goes beyond his hospital, the Doctor Balmis General University Hospital in Alicante. His tireless work impacting the entire Valencian Community includes development of the CODICT App, which promotes the importance of quality monitoring among the region’s hospitals. 

Rositsa Krasteva

Dr Krasteva of UMHAT Medika - Russe is a member of the working group for the development of the National Stroke Action Plan 2030, a member of the Bulgarian lytics advisory board, and a member of the executive board of the Bulgarian Medical Association - Ruse branch. She is an avid and warm advocate of the Angels Initiative in Bulgaria.

Silvia Nica

Dr Nica is en emergency physician and chief of the emergency room at the University Emergency Hospital Bucharest, one of Romania’s biggest and most crowded hospitals. An important Angels collaborator, she has been involved in the majority of prehospital trainings in Bucharest, and passionately shares her knowledge as an ASLS trainer.

Zdravka Poljakovic

Prof. Poljaković is head of the department of intensive care and cerebrovascular diseases at University Hospital Zagreb, and president of the Croatian Neurological Society. She founded and leads the Reference Center for Intensive Neurology and Endovascular Treatment of Brain Stroke and Vascular Malformations of the Ministry of Health.

Spirit of Excellence Award Winners and Nominees 2023

Les lauréats du prix de l’Esprit d’excellence 2023 ont été annoncés lors d’un événement en direct à l’ESOC 2023. Découvrez les lauréats et les nommés honorés pour leur engagement en matière d’excellence des soins de l’AVC et pour leur exceptionnelle contribution pour l’amélioration des normes des traitements médicaux dans leurs hôpitaux et leurs communautés. Plus d’informations

Lauréats et nominés du prix de l’Esprit d’excellence 2022

Les lauréats du prix de l’Esprit d’excellence 2022 ont été annoncés lors d’un événement en direct à l’ESOC 2022. Découvrez les lauréats et les nommés honorés pour leur engagement en matière d’excellence des soins de l’AVC et pour leur exceptionnelle contribution pour l’amélioration des normes des traitements médicaux dans leurs hôpitaux et leurs communautés. Plus d’informations

Lauréats et nominés du prix de l’esprit d’excellence 2021

Les lauréats du prix de l’esprit d’excellence 2021 ont été annoncés lors d’un événement en direct à l’ESOC 2021. Regardez la vidéo ou faites défiler vers le bas pour rencontrer les lauréats et les nommés reconnus pour leur engagement envers l’excellence dans les soins de l’AVC et pour leurs contributions remarquables à l’amélioration de la norme de traitement dans leurs hôpitaux et communautés. Plus d’informations

Lauréats et nommés pour le prix de l’esprit d’excellence 2020

En 2020, 20 professionnels de santé de toute l’Europe ont été nommés pour le prix de l’esprit d’excellence. Parmi les nommés, il y avait bien sûr de nombreux neurologues d’exception, mais également un ambulancier et deux infirmières exceptionnelles. Plus d’informations

Lauréats du Prix de l’esprit d’excellence 2019

Parmi les personnes exceptionnelles que nous avons honorées en 2019 figuraient un patient et sa femme qui nous ont inspirés et nous ont rappelé ce pour quoi nous nous battions. Plus d’informations

Lauréats du Prix de l’esprit d’excellence 2018

Les lauréats du Prix de l’esprit d’excellence 2018 ont montré comment notre projet s’est développé : ces héros sans capes venaient de Slovaquie, de Roumanie, d’Italie, d’Espagne et d’Ukraine. Plus d’informations

Lauréats du Prix de l’esprit d’excellence 2017

Le Prix de l’esprit d’excellence a été lancé en 2017 dans le but d’honorer les membres de la communauté Angels pour leurs contributions exceptionnelles aux soins de l’AVC. Read More

Mur d’hommages

L’initiative Angels est fière d’honorer les lauréats des prix Angels de l’ESO et de la WSO, des prix Angels pour les services médicaux d’urgence et des prix de l’Esprit d’excellence.